MELISA® (Memory Lymphocyte Immuno Stimulation Assay)
Provet bygger på en etablerad immunologisk kunskap. I blodet hos människor som har förvärvat allergi mot metaller eller andra kemikalier, finns en viss typ av blodkroppar, s k minnesceller. Odling av minnesceller tillsammans med allergenet medför att cellerna ökar i storlek och antal (genom celldelning). Med MELISA-testet är det möjligt att mäta denna tillväxt.
Stejskal VD. Forsbeck M. Cederbrant KE. Asteman O.
Mercury-specific lymphocytes: an indication of mercury allergy in man.
Journal of Clinical Immunology. 16(1):31-40, 1996 Jan.
In this study, 18 patients with oral lichen planus (OLP), adjacent to
amalgam fillings, were tested in vitro with an optimized lymphocyte
proliferation test, MELISA (memory lymphocyte immunostimulation assay) and
with a patch test. Twenty subjects with amalgam fillings but without oral
discomfort and 12 amalgam-free subjects served as controls. The results
show that patients with OLP have significantly higher lymphocyte
reactivity to inorganic mercury, a corrosion product of amalgam, compared
to control groups. Removal of amalgam fillings resulted in the
disappearance of oral mucosal changes, thus indicating a causal
relationship. Positive responses to phenylmercury (phenyl-Hg), a
bactericidal agent in root fillings and in pharmaceutical preparations,
were also noted in the oral lichen group but not in the control groups.
Thus, low-grade chronic exposure to mercury may induce a state of systemic
sensitization as verified by Hg-specific lymphocyte reactivity in vitro.
MELISA - an *in vitro* tool for the study of metal allergy
V.D.M Stejskal, K. Cederbrant, A. Lindvall and M. Forsbeck
Toxicology in Vitro. 8(5):991-1000, 1994
The sensitizing properties of metals widely used in medical and dental care
have been studied with the help of an optimized lymphocyte proliferative
assay, MELISA. MELISA (memory lymphocyte immuno-stimulation assay) was
originally developed for the screening of allergenic epitopes of drugs and
other chemicals of low molecular weight, but has recently been adapted for
the study of metal-induced sensitization. The patients studied suffered
from various oral mucosal problems which were suspected to be caused by the
release of metal ions from dental restorations. They were also troubled by
chronic fatigue persisting over many years. One patient was also
occupationally exposed to metals while working in a dental practice.
Healthy subjects without any discomfort due to metal devices served as
controls. In addition to metals used in dentistry, lymphocyte responses to
organic mercurials used widely as preservatives in vaccines, eye/nose drops
and contact lense fluids were studied. The results indicated that
mercurials, as well as other metals such as gold or palladium, induce
strong lymphocyte proliferative responses in patients with oral or systemic
symptoms, but not in similarly exposed unaffected subjects. The results of
MELISA performed with a pair of identical twins with chronic fatigue
syndrome (CFS) indicated that metal-specific responses may be dependent on
the genetics of the patient. Thus, many metals that are today accepted for
use in medicine and dentistry carry a definite sensitizing risk for certain
genetically predisposed individuals. Therefore, the use of these metals
should be limited in the future.
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